Security Applications
HMC has the answers! Plant security is quick and easy with our preassembled buildings. From guard houses to stock yard surveillance booths our buildings offer a quality structure for placement in key locations at your facility. Most buildings arrive at your facility completely assembled, ready for installation. Buildings can include options such as a standing seam roof, tinted window glazing and special exterior finishes. Buildings are available in anodized aluminum and steel construction. Units can be customized to match virtually any design you may have in mind.
HMC has the answers! Plant security is quick and easy with our preassembled buildings. From guard houses to stock yard surveillance booths our buildings offer a quality structure for placement in key locations at your facility. Most buildings arrive at your facility completely assembled, ready for installation. Buildings can include options such as a standing seam roof, tinted window glazing and special exterior finishes. Buildings are available in anodized aluminum and steel construction. Units can be customized to match virtually any design you may have in mind.
Visit to see more guard booths and preassembled building applications.